Service Agreement

  • It is hereby stated that the company WASHING AND CLEANING GROUP signs, on the one hand, who, for the purposes of this contract, will be called THE COMPANY and on the other, the CLIENT, who freely, voluntarily, consents and spontaneously agrees , sign the following contract for the provision of services, which will be governed by the following terms and conditions:


1.PURPOSE: The COMPANY, or its delegate, is obliged to the CUSTOMER to provide the EXTERIOR ROOM WASHING service, with respect to the property indicated by the latter. CLAUSE

2.PRICE: The consideration for the service provided by the COMPANY, or its delegate, in favor of the CLIENT, will have as price the one reported in the quote or prior negotiation. The agreed price will be paid without delay, by the CLIENT, to the COMPANY, or to whomever it indicates. CLAUSE

3.OBLIGATIONS OF THE COMPANY: They will be considered as such, in what concerns the COMPANY, to provide the house washing service, in an optimal way, following good practices and specifically developing the following tasks:

1. Exterior wall washing.

2. Basic washing of windows and eaves.

3. Deep exterior cleaning of gutters, porches and garage.

4. Removal of organic matter.

 5. Refrain from removing nests, birds and other fauna protected by law. 

The COMPANY, under the general terms of the contract, will not be obliged to wash the ceiling, concrete surfaces, clean fences or decks. The foregoing provision is fully applicable, unless there is an express agreement to the contrary.

In the event that the CUSTOMER requires washing of roofs, deep windows, surfaces, swimming pools, and/or places or items outside the scope of the contract, he must negotiate new conditions, price and service coverage, with the COMPANY.

CLAUSE 4.- OBLIGATIONS OF THE CLIENT: They will be considered as such, in what concerns the CLIENT, in addition to paying the price, in the terms and conditions, defined in clause 2 and allowing the performance of the work of the COMPANY, for the correct execution of the provisions of this contract, specifically the following:

1. To guarantee watertightness in the property.

2. To guarantee the impermeability of any exterior opening, within which, it is possible to find, by way of example, but not limited to, the following: External outlets, electrical panels, whatever their nature, ventilation ducts, lights, instruments surveillance and/or private security, among others.

3. To adapt the technical conditions necessary for the provision of the service in an efficient, timely and safe manner, taking the precautions of a good parent, such as turning off and unplugging electronic devices, taking measures to interrupt the flow of electricity prior to the visit of the COMPANY, or its delegate.

4. Inform the COMPANY in a timely manner if there are surfaces within the property or in its surroundings that cannot come into contact with water, disinfectant products and, in general, supplies and instruments for the provision of the service. Under penalty of releasing the COMPANY from liability for any damages caused to the CLIENT or third parties.

5. Guarantee access to an available external water faucet or legal water source, for the provision of the service.

6. Ensure clear access around the entire area to be intervened. This implies moving furniture and wax, completely closing doors and windows, and in general, ensuring the necessary conditions, so that they do not hinder the provision of the service.

7. Guarantee that flowers and pets do not hinder the provision of the service, taking due diligence in their care and custody.

8. Ensure the color fastness of any paint, stain, or other coating used on the exterior of the building (including doors and windows), as well as fences, decks, porches, and any other nearby surfaces that may come into contact with runoff cleaners, overspray or bounce.

9. Notify the COMPANY, or its delegate, of any notorious pre-existing defect with the property. However, if the COMPANY does not do so, it will be presumed that the defects that it reports after the provision of the service were previously present and exempt the COMPANY from any responsibility with respect to them. The foregoing without prejudice to the fact that the COMPANY informs the CLIENT, regarding vices or defects that it notices, prior to or concomitant to the provision of the service.

10. Understand and accept pre-existing defects, such as moisture, rust, or paint problems, which may be accentuated by the provision of the service. Such problems are brought to the attention of the customer during the budget inspection or during the cleaning process. The CUSTOMER understands that the company may not find all the defects and is not responsible if more are noticed after washing, unless caused by the company’s negligence.

11. Give at the request of the COMPANY, acknowledgment of receipt and full satisfaction of the service provided.

CLAUSE 5.ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS: By signing this agreement, the parties accept its contents and voluntarily undertake to comply with their obligations, as well as all the terms and conditions of this agreement.

Likewise, the CLIENT agrees to allow company on the property, by the COMPANY and/or its delegates, in order to quote, execute and complete the requested cleaning services, whether the client is present or not. The CLIENT accepts that the cleaning service will be completed within the reasonable time given during the budget, without prejudice to the fact that unforeseen events of fortuitous event or force majeure may delay, delay or postpone the service, a situation that will be notified to the CLIENT and will be taken corrective measures in common agreement with the COMPANY.

CUSTOMER agrees to allow the business to use its residential water source through an outside faucet, which will be open and readily accessible on the date of service. If it is well water, or if it is located in an area with low pressure or volume of water, the client agrees to inform the company and will avoid using water during the cleaning service. If the client’s water source is not sufficient for the cleaning service, the client must inform the company before the start of the service so that an alternative water source can be arranged to accommodate the required flow, for which additional fees will be covered. for the client. 

CLAUSE 6.RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SERVICE: The COMPANY’s staff is fully trained in the equipment used in the cleaning industry and will take extreme precautions to ensure that the company does not harm its investment.

Washing and Cleaning Group, uses safe techniques with the use of low pressure on delicate surfaces such as coatings; however, the CUSTOMER accepts that damage may eventually occur or appear on any delicate surface, due to poor maintenance, neglect of the property or low-quality construction materials, for which the company will not be responsible, unless even if the precept contained in numeral 9 of clause 4 of this contract is breached.

The COMPANY is not responsible for the entry of water into the house, including, among others, around or through the windows, between the siding panels, around or under the doors, in the electrical outlets.

The COMPANY will notify the customer of any observed pre-existing damage. However, this statement does not constitute an acceptance of liability for any inadvertent damage.

The COMPANY shall be bound under our terms and conditions to be liable for any damage that is a direct result of operator error, negligence or willful misconduct. Damages must be discovered and reported to the COMPANY, within 2 days after the end of the service. The company will have 30 calendar days from the date of receipt in writing to inspect the premises and will have the exclusive option to repair or contract to repair any damage that has been the result of negligence or willful misconduct.

CLAUSE 7.– AUTHORIZATION OF VIDEO-PHOTOGRAPHIC REGISTRATION FOR ADVERTISING PURPOSES: The CLIENT agrees to allow the COMPANY to take, store, share, publish and disclose by any means photos, videos, reviews or descriptions of the property in the context of advertising of the company. The COMPANY will use these photos, videos or descriptions without any compensation to the client.

Likewise, the COMPANY undertakes to refrain from including sensitive information such as addresses or names.

In proof of the above, the above terms and conditions are accepted, United States of America.  

    Emergency washing service 24/7